Is Caral, Peru The First City In The New world?

(Thanks Doris for bringing Caral to my attention)

Caral  Peru, the oldest city  in all of the Western Hemisphere, is one of the most spectacular archeological discoveries of recent times. Caral’s site has a complex of pyramids, circular plazas, and staircases that cover  an area near the Supe River Valley north of Lima in an extremely arid location. The cite is aprox. 150 acres, one of the biggest ever found and has been carbon dated back 4700 year, contemporary to the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations.

In the article “First City In the New World” , written by the Smithsonian magazine I found the following interesting article:

“Six earth-and-rock mounds rise out of the windswept desert of the SupeValley near the coast of Peru. Dunelike and immense, they appear to be nature’s handiwork, forlorn outposts in an arid region squeezed between the Pacific Ocean and the folds of the Andean Cordillera. But looks deceive. These are human-made pyramids, and compelling new evidence indicates they are the remains of a city that flourished nearly 5,000 years ago. If true, it would be the oldest urban center in the Americas and among the most ancient in all the world.

Research developed by Peruvian archaeologist Ruth Shady Solís of San Marcos University suggests that Caral, as the 150-acre complex of pyramids, plazas and residential buildings is known, was a thriving metropolis as Egypt’s great pyramids were being built. The energetic archaeologist believes that Caral may also answer nagging questions about the long-mysterious origins of the Inca, the civilization that once stretched from modern-day Ecuador to central Chile and gave rise to such cities as Cuzco and Machu Picchu. Caral may even hold a key to the origins of civilizations everywhere.

Though discovered in 1905, Caral first drew little attention, largely because archaeologists believed the complex structures were fairly recent. But the monumental scale of the pyramids had long tantalized Shady. “When I first arrived in the valley in 1994, I was overwhelmed,” she says. “This place is somewhere between the seat of the gods and the home of man.” She began excavations two years later, braving primitive conditions on a tight budget. Fourteen miles from the coast and 120 miles north of Peru’s capital city of Lima, Caral lies in a desert region that lacks paved roads, electricity and public water. Shady, who enlisted 25 Peruvian soldiers to help with the excavations, often used her own money to advance the work.

For two months she and her crew searched for the broken remains of pots and containers, called potsherds, that most such sites contain. Not finding any only made her more excited; it meant Caral could be what archaeologists term pre-ceramic, or existing before the advent of pot-firing technology in the area. Shady eventually concluded that Caral predated Olmec settlements to the north by 1,000 years. But colleagues remained skeptical. She needed proof.

In 1996, Shady’s team began the mammoth task of excavating Pirámide Mayor, the largest of the pyramids. After carefully clearing away several millennia’s worth of rubble and sand, they unearthed staircases, circular walls covered with remnants of colored plaster, and squared brickwork. Finally, in the foundation, they found the preserved remains of reeds woven into bags, known as shicras. The original workers, she surmised, must have filled these bags with stones from a hillside quarry a mile away and laid them atop one another inside retaining walls, gradually giving rise to the city of Caral’s immense structures.

Shady knew that the reeds were ideal subjects for radiocarbon dating and could make her case. In 1999, she sent samples of them to Jonathan Haas at Chicago’s FieldMuseum and to Winifred Creamer at NorthernIllinoisUniversity. In December 2000, Shady’s suspicions were confirmed: the reeds were 4,600 years old. She took the news calmly, but Haas says he “was virtually in hysterics for three days afterward.” In the April 27, 2001, issue of the journal Science, the three archaeologists reported that Caral and the other ruins of the SupeValley are “the locus of some of the earliest population concentrations and corporate architecture in South America.” The news stunned other scientists. “It was almost unbelievable,” says Betty Meggers, an archaeologist at the Smithsonian Institution. “This data pushed back the oldest known dates for an urban center in the Americas by more than 1,000 years.”

What amazed archaeologists was not just the age but the complexity and scope of Caral. Pirámide Mayor alone covers an area nearly the size of four football fields and is 60 feet tall. A 30-foot-wide staircase rises from a sunken circular plaza at the foot of the pyramid, passing over three terraced levels until it reaches the top of the platform, which contains the remains of an atrium and a large fireplace. Thousands of manual laborers would have been needed to build such a mammoth project, not even counting the many architects, craftsmen, supervisors and other managers. Inside a ring of platform pyramids lies a large sunken amphitheater, which could have held many hundreds of people during civic or religious events. Inside the amphitheater, Shady’s team found 32 flutes made of pelican and condor bones. And, in April 2002, they uncovered 37 cornets of deer and llama bones. “Clearly, music played an important role in their society,” says Shady.The perimeter of Caral holds a series of smaller mounds, various buildings and residential complexes. Shady discovered a hierarchy in living arrangements: large, well-kept rooms atop the pyramids for the elite, ground-level complexes for craftsmen, and shabbier outlying shantytowns for workers.”

Unfortunately due to controversy between the two teams of archeologists one working under Ruth Shady  of Universidad de San Marcos Peru and the other with Jonathan Haas of Chicago’s Field Museum and Winifred Creamer of Northern Illinois University, this extraordinary discovery hasn’t been publicized enough and few know of its existence.

You can visit this interesting cite to schedule an educational tour by contacting

Caral 360°

Caral 360° (Photo credit: Marlon Dutra)

2 thoughts on “Is Caral, Peru The First City In The New world?

  1. There are other very ancient archeological sites in Peru predating the Incas . One of the most important ones is at the Casma Province where the Sechin Culture flourished . This site contains the Sechin Valley Complex consisting of Cerro Sechin and Sechin Alto with its megalithic structures, pyramids and bas-reliefs of human sacrifices, Sechin bajo with its stone plaza ( which is said to be even older than Caral or any of the Sechin monuments)), Taukachi – Konkan a huge structure constructed of granite blocks and Chanchillo an ancient solar observatory. These sites were first discovered by archeologists Julio C Tello and Toribio Mejía Xesspe in 1937. Today they are considered World Heritage by UNESCO. Other Pre-Inca marvel megalithic structures is Chavin culture’s famous Chavin de Huantar. Pampa llamas de Moxeque , The Moche Chan Chan , Huaca Larga and Huaca One ruins in Trujillo. These are some interesting videos of these places:

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